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Posted in (A) Normans 1100-1135 Henry I

The White Ship

   The White ship set sail from France to take Henry I’s heir to England. There was a big party on board and it struck rocks coming out of the harbour. Everyone died except ***

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Posted in (L) Modern Times 1952-present - Elizabeth II

Elizabeth II at War


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Posted in (A) Normans * Buildings of History 1066-1087 William I Uncategorized

Westminster Abbey

IMG_3134  All the Kings and Queens who were crowned starting from William the Conqueror were crowned here, lots are buried here too. Inside there is the ‘Edward chair’ which would hold the Stone of Scone at a coronation.

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Posted in (A) Normans * Buildings of History

Norman Castles

The Normans built lots of castles to defend themselves The bayeaux tapestry is not really a tapestry it is an embroidery    

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Posted in (A) Normans 1066-1087 William I 1199-1216 John 1216-1272 Henry III

Forest Law

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