End of food Rationing 1954
Food rationing began in 1940 four months after the start of war and finished almost 9 years after the end of war in 1954
NHS was born in 1948
The government decided to make a health service that was available to all and funded by tax. This is why you can go to see a doctor or go to hospital for free. In the past you could go if you were rich and if you were poor you might not be able to afford it, or if you could it might use up all your money. Aneurin Bevan launched the first hospital in Manchester....
Richard I – The Lionheart crowned King of England 1189
Although he never really spent much time in England he was too busy fighting the Holy wars
Habeas Corpus Act ratified 1679
Charles II made a law that meant the court could examine why prisoners were imprisoned and make sure it was fair.
First moon landing 1969
Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin walk on the moon
First public railway opens in 1803
George III was King and it was the start of the industrial revolution.